Just to see the things from different angles.
Its important.
Published on September 4, 2004 By Nitin Jain In Entertainment
“In our journey of life” , many a times we have to do what we don’t want to do or we don’t have any interest in doing that. But for survival or fulfillment of a desired objective we have to do it.

When we are new to any job or any academic session, we generally have to face these situations. Many people also face this problem in their regular work and life. But human should understand that, what always important is results and once we starts giving results in odd situations then the time will come, when you will get your own choices to choose from and many time you also realize that the work which you have not liked in past is now bearing good fruits for you and becoming strength of yours.

Many time people see in us, what we ourselves failed to recognize and give us the work accordingly and then the tough situations stands before us and we fill dis-satisfy with work we gets to do. In this situation, we don’t have any way other then accepting it as challenge and try our best to complete it. And always remember one thing that “Only the tough situation makes a person tough and difficulties actually shows the real character of a person”

As a new to any job or academic session we should always understand that each minute is a chance to learn and experience and without experience, we don’t have any value in the market.

So for getting experience we have to accept any work coming to us and should strive our best to complete it and every new work will make you learn new things.

The work is never so difficult as it looks before we start. The only thing needed is little mantel –preparation and bit planning, then no work is difficult. A human should always try and any true –efforts never go un-recognized.

If you expect you instant appreciation or rewards then you are over-expecting from yourselves and from your environment and it only leads to frustrations.

It is important for a fresher to accept any responsibility which is given to him and try to fulfil it and always remember that you may or may not get success, but your efforts will be always appreciated but on other hand if you don’t do any efforts, then it will be a big failure of your-self

Still if you don’t want to face this situation and don’t want to do the work you are not interested then you are on a way, which leads you to “no-where”

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